Mentioned article has been send to DPA news agency on Octobern16th 2002
G.W Bush or Saddam Hussein, it is time one must go,
Yangon October 16- Myanmar famous international class Astrologer Bella Liberty declared astrological aspects of two leaders with wide coverage extending to both India and Pakistan. According to his usage this prediction is to be called Astro-philosophical point of view.
If president G.W Bush were still a president of US until after July 2003, Iraqi Hussein would not be able to maintain his position any more.
Incase, Hussein could maintain his position it would be at the sacrifice of innocent Iraqi citizenry. Hussein will become a mere caretaker of graveyard.
A country or a nation can dance with milk and honey only when its leadership is in the favorable period of the life cycle the leaders concerned.
If a head of state, whose life cycle is in the unfavorable period, tries to continue consolidating his power, it would just amount to crying in the wildness to leave an inerasable black mark of his personal life in the annals human history.
Even though US does not launch an attack on Iraq, Hussein’s political life has been meaningless since July 23 -2002.
Critical period of his life cycle would unseat him before October 2004.Iraqi tears of joy will form a living stream if he would quit for Mecca in white saint dress. He must exit before Iraqi people and the army in unison with neighboring countries turn hostile against him. His great expectation for materialization of Holy War will end up in fiasco.
With the status quo, Bush will not complete his term of office. If Bush did not take military action, he would be alleged as an offender of worst crime of the State.
The September 11,2001 episode is the result of electing Mr. Bush as US president who was then at critical point of his life cycle.
During his term of office, state of war will persist, exacerbated by Pakistan Musharraf, India’s Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Palestine Yassar Arafat and Iraqi Saddam Hussein.
In the last analysis, Hussein would not even be able to catch hold of a straw as a last resort to save himself.
Copy from DPA, journalist.
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