Everybody has lucky, unlucky or the best, the worst, the neutral periods during Saturn cycle of 30 years.
Therefore everybody should knows the best, the worst, and the neutral years during this cycle in advance.
The most important thing is each and every world leader should thoroughly keep in mind the mentioned theory. If he or she tries to stay at top position by neglecting the worst period, his or her future as well as the history of the country concerned will have to face unavoidable bad circumstances.
A country or a nation can dance with milk and honey only when its leadership is in the favorable period of the life cycle of the leaders concerned.
The security of a nation depends, not on the most powerful arsenal weaponry including nuclear capability and mighty military strength. It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the rulers of that nation. If during the period of his leadership, his stars are on the pinnacle, and enjoying the best fortune, then the nation which he leads can assured of security, prosperity, social harmony, political stability on all fronts.
However if the leader happens to be in the ebb tide cycle when his stars in the zodiac is on the wane and wading in the worst period of life cycle, then all his superior weaponry, the best of military strength and intelligent will fail to bring security and stability to the nation and its people.
In my opinion, if all the leaders of the universe are their best and neutral period knowing their unfavorable period to quit, we can certainly expect a peaceful and lovely world to live in.
Bella Liberty ( Astro-philosopher )
Review- article
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