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The Open Letter to the President of Islamic republic of Iran, through BBC London
From: Mr. Bella Liberty
April 2nd 2006
The Open Letter to the President of Islamic republic of Iran, through BBC London
From: Mr. Bella Liberty
April 2nd 2006
Dear Mr. President
I pledge to say my message are free from all kind of biases and obsession with politics, personalities, race, creed or religion.
Mr. President every country has their right to make powerful arsenal weaponry including nuclear capability or chemical weaponry. You have the right too but Mr. president you should know the nature of the land middle east. Once it was fully desert but to day it is already turned to paradise, so you can make it as paradise as much as you can or you can make it ever green land as much as you can but the land doesn’t allow you to make powerful weaponry including nuclear capability or nuclear plant, chemical weaponry or plant on your soil, even United Nation and America allow you that, but the nature of the mother land doesn’t allow it. If you want it the colorful land will turn to desert again If there was nuclear plant, historic radiation leakage will occur on that soil.
Dear Mr. President I send this message because at present you’re in warring condition and your term is not free from war, most possibility is in 2007 or 2008 , you have to face the powerful war. My advisable is please make the land free form nuclear as soon as possible , if you can make it as nuclear free zone, perhaps there has been only one such leader in the history of the whole world.-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Dear Mr. President I send this message because at present you’re in warring condition and your term is not free from war, most possibility is in 2007 or 2008 , you have to face the powerful war. My advisable is please make the land free form nuclear as soon as possible , if you can make it as nuclear free zone, perhaps there has been only one such leader in the history of the whole world.-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Actually the security of a nation depends, not on the most powerful arsenal of weaponry including nuclear capability and mighty military strength. It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the rulers of that nation.
Mr. Present, the flames of war not only burn and destroy on the battlefield but spread to other fields and destroy many innocent lives. The suffering by war does not end on the battlefield; it continues to poison the minds and lives of the survivors for long time.
Mr. Present, the flames of war not only burn and destroy on the battlefield but spread to other fields and destroy many innocent lives. The suffering by war does not end on the battlefield; it continues to poison the minds and lives of the survivors for long time.
War is cause by folly, ruthless and primitive moralities of one or two leaders. Peace is the outcome of the sacrifice of countless unknown soldiers, innocent children and peoples, finally resulted in a piece of paper signed by the two warring leaders.
War is situation where the loser loses, as much as the winner also loses. It is a fact of history that many glorious wars were being wages, that such wars are still being waged in the present, as more wars will continue to be waged in the long future. it is a fact of world history that the wars are waged not by the innocent people, but by and because of kings, rulers, ideologies.
War is situation where the loser loses, as much as the winner also loses. It is a fact of history that many glorious wars were being wages, that such wars are still being waged in the present, as more wars will continue to be waged in the long future. it is a fact of world history that the wars are waged not by the innocent people, but by and because of kings, rulers, ideologies.
In animal kingdom lion king of the beast kill only for eat. The Emperor, King of the human beings kill for power, honor greed and glory.
Mr. President making the nuclear weaponry or nuclear warhead is easy, money can make it but making decision on launching nuclear warhead to other nation is very difficult or impossible, if you launched one nuclear warhead then you have to accept multi powerful nuclear warhead on your soil. That I mean middle east will turn to desert again.
I remind you again please make free nuclear zone on Iran soil and avoid war, for innocent Iranian people.
I remind you again please make free nuclear zone on Iran soil and avoid war, for innocent Iranian people.
I have given the same message to President Saddam Hussein, two years ahead Iraq war but no one attention for that, also given one year ahead America 911.
With respect
Mr. Bella Liberty ( philosopher)
Mr. Bella Liberty ( philosopher)
Remark= My full address , e-mail and nationality,detail already given to BBC and Embassy of Iran in London.
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