>>> According to the law of impermanence, embodied in the Buddhist teachings of lord Buddha the supreme self enlightened ,One every thing on earth in this cosmos has a beginning and end, which is immutable law. Thus nuclear weaponry now proliferate among the nations of the world. But one day such weapons of mass destruction are bound to meet destruction and be decimated. But in what manner will this phenomenon come about, considering the present state of affairs and thinking of super power world leaders who hold this ominous nuclear arsenal. Will they unanimous consensus disarm these weapons ? Or will it end in mass conflagration due to the folly, of one or more leaders igniting the dreadful nuclear war ? Or will they self- destruct due to ‘Force Majuro’ such as natural catastrophe which cause intense pressure to eliminate the nuclear weaponry?
World leaders should seriously consider the risk as much as superiority they command for the shake of all man kind. They should unanimously agree destroy all nuclear arsenal by 2008 and make the world a nuclear free society.
The safety devices will be hold to the extent that the leader’s stars and the fate of the citizens are in the apogee.
>>> Thomas Edison challenges the sun to bring light to mankind.
Albert Einstein conveyed heat of ten Suns to harness energy for mankind.
>>> The present leaders proclaim that nuclear power is harnessed to benefit mankind at large. But fact proves that nuclear power in unscrupulous or extremist hands will bring more lethal evil than good.
>>> War is cause by folly ,ruthless and primitive morality of one or two leaders. Peace is the outcome of sacrifice of countless unknown soldiers, innocent children and peoples finally resulted in apiece of paper signed by two warring leaders.
>>> War is a situation where the loser loses, as much as the winner also loses. It is a fact of history that many glorious wars were being wages, that such wars are still being waged in the present , as more wars will continue to be waged in the long future. It is a fact of world history that wars are waged not by innocent people, but by and because of kings, rulers, ideologies.
>>> In the primitive civilization of prehistoric society, early human being were at the mercy of animals of the wild. Thus primitive men armed themselves with Stone Age weapons to defend themselves becoming prey to animals.
With the development of civilized societies with art culture, religion, and record history, it is man who become each other’s prey.
Weapon were invented to inflict most harm to each other: and in this process most sophisticated and lethal weapons were invented to inflict maximum destruction within the shortest time, culminating in the most inhuman weapon of mass destruction: the nuclear arsenal.
>>> In the animal kingdom lion, king of the beasts kill only to eat.
The emperor king of the human being kill for power, honor, greed and glory.
>>> A country or a nation can dance with milk and honey only when it’s leadership is in the favorable period of the life cycle of the leaders concerned.
>>> The security of a nation depends, not on the most powerful arsenal of weaponry including nuclear capability, and the mighty military strength. It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the ruler of that nation. If during the period of his leadership, his stars are on the pinnacle, and enjoying the best fortune, then the nation which he leads can be assured of security, prosperity, social harmony, political stability on all fronts.
However if the leader happens to be in the ebb tide cycle when his stars in zodiac is on the wane and wading in the worst period of life cycle , then all his superior weaponry, the best military strength will fail to bring security, and stability to the nation and his people.
>>> In my opinion, if all the leaders of the universe are at their Best and Neutral periods knowing their unfavorable period to quit, we can certainly expect a peaceful and lovely world to live in.
>>> Human beings are but prey to nature, which also is their creator.
>>> Quality and status of human being is measured not by wealth, fame, honor, position, celebrity status, and university credential he possesses. It is measured principally by his idealism, love, and compassion.
>>> The newspaper is the eyes and ears of leaders of the nation. It is also the front page, and channels the will of people in the eyes of the law.
>>> In my opinion, research on the disposition of the Sun planetary cycle or combinations, the emission of radiation or cosmic ray, and its effects on the general or specific cells of the human brain and their functions will be more meaningful for welfare of mankind.
>>> Acknowledging the reality and role of cosmic ray that directly impacts functioning human brain would be much better than voicing the benefits that are going to be harvested by shuttling planets to and fro in the universe.
It is human brain -light ray- that functions wonders. It is undeniable that the sense of seeing and sense of hearing are proofs that there is correlation between light ray and sound wave.
>>> Astrological point of view is interpreted as unbiased, pristine, and scholarly analysis on the sate of affairs unpolluted by the subjectivity as to race, religion, polities, hate, bitterness, and other negative aspects.
Remark …..Above mentioned notes are from Monthly issued Myanmar( Burmese) Gambia Magazine.