Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Prediction notes from London BBC

My astrology is deep thus philosophy ,which also is ancient science..

This prediction was made on October 2001 which also was broadcasted by London BBC in Burmese version on 1st January 2002 @ GMT 12:30 pm.
The prediction notes from International affairs 2002. # 1 and 2

1..As mentioned before, as President G.W Bush horoscope was in critical position, between the first week of September 2001 and February 2002 or March 2nd 2002, there was no hope for him at all to catch alive, Osama Bin Laden the chief target of the war he had waged after 27th September 2001.Niether will there be any evidence of telling that, Osama Bin Laden was dead.
2..The intelligence gathering ability and skill of F.B.I and C.I.A will continue to deteriorate and by acting on wrong information they will find great difficulties even in tracing Bin Laden.

The predictions have been more than 4 ½ years,but still there is no chance to get hold of Osama Bin Laden alive or no evidence could be produce that he is dead.
C.I.A and F.B.I are still finding it hard to trace his whereabout.
But astrological science will tell you the true story of Bin Laden alive or death. According to astro-computation found that, every audio message with photo which was transmitted by Arab television is not authentic.

To be continue

Bella Liberty ( astro- philosopher )

Monday, May 15, 2006

Japanese Survivors Information

Coming August 6th 2006 will be 61st anniversary of Hiroshima. I am not going to place here detailed information about many aspects of nuclear arsenal. I just pass the survivors information.
On August 6th and 9th 1945.the explosions of two atomic bombs devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki .The ferocious heat and blast indiscriminately slaughtered its inhabitants. Even the people who manage to survive continue to this day to suffer from late effects.
Six decades have passed since that day .Now the atomic bombs survivors are advancing into old age and their memories are fading in to the mist of history. The question of how to inform world leaders and young people about the horror of war, the threat of nuclear weapons and the importance of the peace is therefore a matter of passing concern.
The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki pray that this miserable experience will never be repeated on Earth. We also consider it our duty to ensure that the experience is not forgotten but passed on intact to future generations,
It is imperative that we join hands with all peace-loving people around the world and strive together for the realization of lasting world peace.

This is the message from survivors, but thus nuclear weaponry now proliferate among the nations of the world, also thus nuclear arsenals are more than 100 times greater than 1945 atomics .But except survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nobody knows about nuclear arsenal, even Einstein didn’t know about that, he just dropped an equation on a piece of paper.
It would not be wrong to say that, WW II , is ended and world peace is the outcome of sacrifice of- citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , which also is symbol of world peace.

Remark; Thomas Edison challenges the Sun to bring light to mankind, and Albert Einstein conveyed heat of ten Suns to harness energy for mankind.

Bella Liberty

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Introducing for forth coming articles

At a time when these predictions are written, Myanmar has been publishing the monthly magazine Gambia; WTC twins World Trade Centre is boasting to adorn the sundown beauty of New York overlooking the nearby river, bathing itself in perfect coolness. Saddam Hussein a war monarch of the kingdom of desert lapped in luxury had been majestically enjoying the splendor of his empire.
Such had been the results that occurred in each millennium. Historic predictions were signaled years ahead of actual occurrence.
Predictions I am placing on website are not the result of my ego. I am just making an attempt at proving the reliability and profundity of the applied astronomical astrology that is useful for us all including kings and leaders. I also want to urge drafters of constitutions to seriously weigh the elements involved in their work so that their work is in harmony with astrological theory before enshrined in the respective law.
Acknowledging the reality and role of the cosmic ray that directly impacts functioning human brains would be much better than voicing the benefits that are going to be harvested by shuttling planets to and fro in the universe. It is to prove that opening up of a great new page in human history would be a reality that I put it in place on the website.
It is human brain-light ray- that functions wonders. It is undeniable that the sense of hearing and the sense of seeing are the proofs that there is a correlation between light ray and waves.
My predictions are terrifically true. Yet they are just the product of my relative knowledge about cosmic ray that plays its role in the functions of human brain.
These predictions can be assessed and put on record only after reviewing the world famed predictions carried by the world news that had been woven in the annals of human history.

Bella Liberty ( Astro-Philosopher )

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Review on British prime minister Tony Blair

Mentioned article was submitted to http://www.astrodatabank.com/ on August 19th 2005.

Born May 6th 1953,@ 06:10 am Edinburgh Scotland.
U.K Election 2005.
The British Prime Minister Tony Blair wins historic third term as well as the prime minister has to face many historic hardships in future, especially the year 2006, 2007 and 2008.
At the movement of time astro-computation showed that Mr. Tony Blair’s stars were juxtaposed at critical point in his life cycle, which were sliding at a downturn of his destiny since May 15th 2005, and it will more effective from May 6th 2006, and he would face a very difficult period of his political tenure from 2007 to 2008, including his security which will be at grave risk.
2. Above period, there is unexpected developments in his government circles and defeat or resignation will ensue.
3. He would be prone to errors in decision-making in charting his present and future political program.
4. Also his third term, he is not war free. In case of being free from warring condition he would seldom complete his term, highly vulnerable to assassination or resignation in 2008.
5. Within his term there will be kingdom funereal or new theatre of historic war will come to join with G.W Bush.
6. In 2008 Special attention is needed in royal family or much care is needed in queen Elizabeth II ’s health.
7. After total solar eclipse August 1st 2008, much care is needed in all the affairs of Kingdom.
Every leader should knows that best term to ruling a nation is 4 to 7 years only, Even 8 years term second term’s last year will be given much trouble to such leader, e.g.. president Bill Clinton has been faced terrorist suicide attack in his last 8 years term and president Regan attacked to Libya leader Gadaffi in 1988 before end of his second term. American president Franklin Roosevelt continued consolidating his power more than 8 years and faced historic hardships in World War II and Pearl Harbor had been attacked by Japanese.
So today prime minister Tony Blair wins historic third term, it would not be wrong to predict he as to faced historic hardships during his political tenure.
Lastly I pledge to say my predictions are free from all kind of biases and obsessions with politics, personalities,, race, creed or religion.
If given D.O.B and Birth time are correct, by any chance my predictions proved to be in error or had adversely affected Tony Blair in any way due to miss-prediction, I have tendered my assurance that I would bear the liability for what I have predicted.
Reference= D.O.B and Birth time and birth place from Astrodatabank.com and WOW .
Bella Liberty ( Astro- Philosopher)

Monday, May 08, 2006

open letter to President of Islamic Republic of Iran.

I have given this open letter to President of Iran on the 2nd April 2006 through INFO@ IRANEMBASSY.ORG.UK and Copy to London BBC Burmese Service.

Atten: BBC Burmese Service FX: 44-20-75571767.
The Open Letter to the President of Islamic republic of Iran, through BBC London
From: Mr. Bella Liberty
April 2nd 2006
Dear Mr. President
I pledge to say my message are free from all kind of biases and obsession with politics, personalities, race, creed or religion.
Mr. President every country has their right to make powerful arsenal weaponry including nuclear capability or chemical weaponry. You have the right too but Mr. president you should know the nature of the land middle east. Once it was fully desert but to day it is already turned to paradise, so you can make it as paradise as much as you can or you can make it ever green land as much as you can but the land doesn’t allow you to make powerful weaponry including nuclear capability or nuclear plant, chemical weaponry or plant on your soil, even United Nation and America allow you that, but the nature of the mother land doesn’t allow it. If you want it the colorful land will turn to desert again If there was nuclear plant, historic radiation leakage will occur on that soil.
Dear Mr. President I send this message because at present you’re in warring condition and your term is not free from war, most possibility is in 2007 or 2008 , you have to face the powerful war. My advisable is please make the land free form nuclear as soon as possible , if you can make it as nuclear free zone, perhaps there has been only one such leader in the history of the whole world.-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Actually the security of a nation depends, not on the most powerful arsenal of weaponry including nuclear capability and mighty military strength. It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the rulers of that nation.
Mr. Present, the flames of war not only burn and destroy on the battlefield but spread to other fields and destroy many innocent lives. The suffering by war does not end on the battlefield; it continues to poison the minds and lives of the survivors for long time.
War is cause by folly, ruthless and primitive moralities of one or two leaders. Peace is the outcome of the sacrifice of countless unknown soldiers, innocent children and peoples, finally resulted in a piece of paper signed by the two warring leaders.
War is situation where the loser loses, as much as the winner also loses. It is a fact of history that many glorious wars were being wages, that such wars are still being waged in the present, as more wars will continue to be waged in the long future. it is a fact of world history that the wars are waged not by the innocent people, but by and because of kings, rulers, ideologies.
In animal kingdom lion king of the beast kill only for eat. The Emperor, King of the human beings kill for power, honor greed and glory.
Mr. President making the nuclear weaponry or nuclear warhead is easy, money can make it but making decision on launching nuclear warhead to other nation is very difficult or impossible, if you launched one nuclear warhead then you have to accept multi powerful nuclear warhead on your soil. That I mean middle east will turn to desert again.
I remind you again please make free nuclear zone on Iran soil and avoid war, for innocent Iranian people.
I have given the same message to President Saddam Hussein, two years ahead Iraq war but no one attention for that, also given one year ahead America 911.
With respect
Mr. Bella Liberty ( philosopher)
Remark= My full address , e-mail and nationality,detail already given to BBC and Embassy of Iran in London.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Astro-Philosophical Theory

Everybody has lucky, unlucky or the best, the worst, the neutral periods during Saturn cycle of 30 years.
Therefore everybody should knows the best, the worst, and the neutral years during this cycle in advance.
The most important thing is each and every world leader should thoroughly keep in mind the mentioned theory. If he or she tries to stay at top position by neglecting the worst period, his or her future as well as the history of the country concerned will have to face unavoidable bad circumstances.
A country or a nation can dance with milk and honey only when its leadership is in the favorable period of the life cycle of the leaders concerned.
The security of a nation depends, not on the most powerful arsenal weaponry including nuclear capability and mighty military strength. It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the rulers of that nation. If during the period of his leadership, his stars are on the pinnacle, and enjoying the best fortune, then the nation which he leads can assured of security, prosperity, social harmony, political stability on all fronts.
However if the leader happens to be in the ebb tide cycle when his stars in the zodiac is on the wane and wading in the worst period of life cycle, then all his superior weaponry, the best of military strength and intelligent will fail to bring security and stability to the nation and its people.
In my opinion, if all the leaders of the universe are their best and neutral period knowing their unfavorable period to quit, we can certainly expect a peaceful and lovely world to live in.
Bella Liberty ( Astro-philosopher )
Review- article

Notes from Bella Liberty's articles

>>> According to the law of impermanence, embodied in the Buddhist teachings of lord Buddha the supreme self enlightened ,One every thing on earth in this cosmos has a beginning and end, which is immutable law. Thus nuclear weaponry now proliferate among the nations of the world. But one day such weapons of mass destruction are bound to meet destruction and be decimated. But in what manner will this phenomenon come about, considering the present state of affairs and thinking of super power world leaders who hold this ominous nuclear arsenal. Will they unanimous consensus disarm these weapons ? Or will it end in mass conflagration due to the folly, of one or more leaders igniting the dreadful nuclear war ? Or will they self- destruct due to ‘Force Majuro’ such as natural catastrophe which cause intense pressure to eliminate the nuclear weaponry?
World leaders should seriously consider the risk as much as superiority they command for the shake of all man kind. They should unanimously agree destroy all nuclear arsenal by 2008 and make the world a nuclear free society.
The safety devices will be hold to the extent that the leader’s stars and the fate of the citizens are in the apogee.

>>> Thomas Edison challenges the sun to bring light to mankind.
Albert Einstein conveyed heat of ten Suns to harness energy for mankind.

>>> The present leaders proclaim that nuclear power is harnessed to benefit mankind at large. But fact proves that nuclear power in unscrupulous or extremist hands will bring more lethal evil than good.

>>> War is cause by folly ,ruthless and primitive morality of one or two leaders. Peace is the outcome of sacrifice of countless unknown soldiers, innocent children and peoples finally resulted in apiece of paper signed by two warring leaders.

>>> War is a situation where the loser loses, as much as the winner also loses. It is a fact of history that many glorious wars were being wages, that such wars are still being waged in the present , as more wars will continue to be waged in the long future. It is a fact of world history that wars are waged not by innocent people, but by and because of kings, rulers, ideologies.

>>> In the primitive civilization of prehistoric society, early human being were at the mercy of animals of the wild. Thus primitive men armed themselves with Stone Age weapons to defend themselves becoming prey to animals.
With the development of civilized societies with art culture, religion, and record history, it is man who become each other’s prey.
Weapon were invented to inflict most harm to each other: and in this process most sophisticated and lethal weapons were invented to inflict maximum destruction within the shortest time, culminating in the most inhuman weapon of mass destruction: the nuclear arsenal.

>>> In the animal kingdom lion, king of the beasts kill only to eat.
The emperor king of the human being kill for power, honor, greed and glory.

>>> A country or a nation can dance with milk and honey only when it’s leadership is in the favorable period of the life cycle of the leaders concerned.

>>> The security of a nation depends, not on the most powerful arsenal of weaponry including nuclear capability, and the mighty military strength. It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the ruler of that nation. If during the period of his leadership, his stars are on the pinnacle, and enjoying the best fortune, then the nation which he leads can be assured of security, prosperity, social harmony, political stability on all fronts.
However if the leader happens to be in the ebb tide cycle when his stars in zodiac is on the wane and wading in the worst period of life cycle , then all his superior weaponry, the best military strength will fail to bring security, and stability to the nation and his people.

>>> In my opinion, if all the leaders of the universe are at their Best and Neutral periods knowing their unfavorable period to quit, we can certainly expect a peaceful and lovely world to live in.

>>> Human beings are but prey to nature, which also is their creator.

>>> Quality and status of human being is measured not by wealth, fame, honor, position, celebrity status, and university credential he possesses. It is measured principally by his idealism, love, and compassion.

>>> The newspaper is the eyes and ears of leaders of the nation. It is also the front page, and channels the will of people in the eyes of the law.

>>> In my opinion, research on the disposition of the Sun planetary cycle or combinations, the emission of radiation or cosmic ray, and its effects on the general or specific cells of the human brain and their functions will be more meaningful for welfare of mankind.

>>> Acknowledging the reality and role of cosmic ray that directly impacts functioning human brain would be much better than voicing the benefits that are going to be harvested by shuttling planets to and fro in the universe.
It is human brain -light ray- that functions wonders. It is undeniable that the sense of seeing and sense of hearing are proofs that there is correlation between light ray and sound wave.

>>> Astrological point of view is interpreted as unbiased, pristine, and scholarly analysis on the sate of affairs unpolluted by the subjectivity as to race, religion, polities, hate, bitterness, and other negative aspects.

Remark …..Above mentioned notes are from Monthly issued Myanmar( Burmese) Gambia Magazine.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Review" Irreconcilable destinies at War"

Mentioned article has been send to DPA news agency on Octobern16th 2002
G.W Bush or Saddam Hussein, it is time one must go,
Yangon October 16- Myanmar famous international class Astrologer Bella Liberty declared astrological aspects of two leaders with wide coverage extending to both India and Pakistan. According to his usage this prediction is to be called Astro-philosophical point of view.
If president G.W Bush were still a president of US until after July 2003, Iraqi Hussein would not be able to maintain his position any more.
Incase, Hussein could maintain his position it would be at the sacrifice of innocent Iraqi citizenry. Hussein will become a mere caretaker of graveyard.
A country or a nation can dance with milk and honey only when its leadership is in the favorable period of the life cycle the leaders concerned.
If a head of state, whose life cycle is in the unfavorable period, tries to continue consolidating his power, it would just amount to crying in the wildness to leave an inerasable black mark of his personal life in the annals human history.
Even though US does not launch an attack on Iraq, Hussein’s political life has been meaningless since July 23 -2002.
Critical period of his life cycle would unseat him before October 2004.Iraqi tears of joy will form a living stream if he would quit for Mecca in white saint dress. He must exit before Iraqi people and the army in unison with neighboring countries turn hostile against him. His great expectation for materialization of Holy War will end up in fiasco.
With the status quo, Bush will not complete his term of office. If Bush did not take military action, he would be alleged as an offender of worst crime of the State.
The September 11,2001 episode is the result of electing Mr. Bush as US president who was then at critical point of his life cycle.
During his term of office, state of war will persist, exacerbated by Pakistan Musharraf, India’s Mr.Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Palestine Yassar Arafat and Iraqi Saddam Hussein.
In the last analysis, Hussein would not even be able to catch hold of a straw as a last resort to save himself.

Copy from DPA, journalist.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Land Middle East

The land Middle East is ruled by Neptune and once it was fully desert but today the land is already turned to paradise.Every middle east leader should know the, nature of the land middle east, you can make the land as paradise as much as you can or you can make it ever green land as much as you can but the nature of the land doesn't allow you to make powerfull arsenal weaponry including nuclear capability or nuclear plant or chemical weaponry on your soil.Even the United Nation or America allow you that but the nature of the mother land doesn't allow it.If any leader wants that, the colorful land will be turned to desert again, if there was nuclear plant on that land historic radiation leakage will occur on that soil.
Making the nuclear weaponry or nuclear warhead is easy money can make it, but making decision on launching nuclear warhead to other nation is very difficult or impossible, launching the nuclear warhead should be nation suicidal action.
The flames of the war not only burn and destory on the battlefield but spread to other fields and destory many innocent lives.The suffering by war does not end on the battlefield; it continues to poison the minds and lives of the survivors for long time.
War is cause by folly, ruthless, and primitive moralities of one or two leaders. Peace is the outcome of the sacrifice of countless unknown soliders, innocent children and peoples, finally result in a piece of paper signed by the two warring leaders.
War is situation where the loser loses, as much as the winner also loses. It is a fact of history that many glorious wars were being wages, that such wars are still being waged in the present, as more wars will continue to be waged in the long future. it is a fact of world history that wars are waged not by innocent people, but by and because of king, rulers, ideologies.
In animal kingdom lion king of the beast kill only for eat. The Emperor, king of the human being kill for power, honor greed and glory.
The security of a nation depends not on the pwerful arsenal of weaponry including nuclear capability and mighty military strength .It depends more on the destiny or peaceful mind of the rulers of that nation. If during the period of his leadership, his stars are on pinnacle and enjoying the best fortune, than the nation which he leads can be assured of security, prosperity, social harmony, political stability on all fronts.
How ever if the leader hapens to be in the ebb tide cycle when his stars in the zodiac is on the wane and wading in the worst period of life cycle, than all his superior weaponry, the best of military strength will fail to bering security and stability to the nation and his people.
The nature of Neptune ruled land, middle east doesn't allow nuclear or chemical weaponry on it's soil, if there was nuclear warhead, Isreal and Palestine will disappear on that land and at the same time ten Suns will appear on middle east and the colorful land will be turned to desert again.
I pledge to say my message are free from all kind of biases and obsession with politics, personslities, race, creed or religion.
remark--Before Irqa war given message two years ahead to president Saddam Hussein and one year ahead message to America, and such articles has been broadcasted by London BBC in Burmese version on January 1st 2002. @G.M.T,2:15 PM
Bellaliberty ( Astro-philosopher)